Center for Community and Connection

Connection and community are basic needs across the lifespan and meeting those needs with respect for each individual promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  Developing the skills that allow us to thrive in a functional and healthy community is essential for our sustainability on Earth.    

The Vision

The Center for Community and Connection (CCC) is a place where people can gather to learn and practice connection with each other, themselves, and nature. It provides classes, groups and gatherings that explore a variety of topics relating to well-being in self, relationships, community and ecosystem.  It operates based on a gift economy.

In addition to classes and groups there are holistic gatherings that enrich lives with music, dance, drumming, theatre, community projects, food preparation, community dinners, talking circles, exercise, and other opportunities for connection.  Holistic and alternative approaches to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health empower individuals to feel part of something that gives their lives meaning.  As awareness grows, so does the desire to be of service to something larger than yourself.  There are many opportunities at CCC to be of service to the larger community.

Community rooms are available for both formal and informal gatherings, classes, exercise, and meditation.  A larger gathering area supports community enrichment programs. Gardens and a greenhouse support food programs and there is a large kitchen for food preparation. There is also space for the development of cottage industries that help support the community.

CCC partners with holistic practitioners, workshops, and retreat experiences to provide a connection to the larger community and a greater variety of experiential opportunities.  Scholarships for external activities are provided for those in need of support.

CCC serves as a prototype of a community center that can be replicated in towns and neighborhoods where a desire for greater connection and community, along with the understanding and experience to provide it, exists.

Community Talking Circles

We will begin this project by offering Talking Circles about the Principles of CCC to the larger community.  These might take place in libraries, community centers, churches, schools, colleges, etc.  Later this year we will begin to offer the Connection Curriculum in the yurt or Shimmering Light or other places that emerge.

Since CIRCLE is a 501c3 non-profit organization, donations to support the larger vision of a community center or centers will also be pursued.

While facilitating the Talking Circles would be a gift from those willing to do so, teaching the connection curriculum would be compensated.  All programs would be available to anyone interested regardless of the ability to pay for them.

The Talking Circles are centered around the basic Principles of Community and Connection as shown below.


1. All human beings have a deep desire to belong and to be connected.

2. All beings have gifts and all are needed and valuable.

3. Everything we need is already here.

4. Everyone has a true self that is wise and powerful;
our human vulnerabilities can be sources of strength and connection.

5. The world is profoundly interconnected and everything in it reflects a part of ourselves.

6. Connection and community help us to remember our wholeness.

7. We can cultivate conscious practices of living from the true self.


The Courses

Those individuals that have participated in a talking circle and wish to continue their learning about community and connection can participate in the Connection Curriculum.  These courses will be offered in various places.  Stay tuned to the CIRCLE calendar for upcoming dates.

The Connection Curriculum Level 1

There are six 6 week courses (2-4 hours per week) that have the goal of reclaiming our connection with life.  The courses are sequential beginning with connection with nature and going on to connection with self, others, and community followed by integrated connection.  Each of these is explored with the EASE process (exploration, experience, expression, and evolution) on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Once a particular course has been completed one is eligible to enroll in more advanced courses on that topic.  For example, once the initial 6 week course on connection to nature has been completed, advanced courses on connection to nature can be taken.

Advanced Courses

Connection to Nature  (Other similar courses will be added as needed)

Permaculture, Forest Bathing, Herbs, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Animal Connections, Plant Spirit Medicine, Working with Ecosystems, Sustainable Eating

Connection to Self  (Other similar courses will be added as needed)

Connection Curriculum Level 2 (involves clearing emotional baggage, integrating inner aspects of self, and reclaiming the true self)

Meditation, Shamanic Journey work, Mindfulness, Dream Work, Emotional Education, Inner Family Systems, Tools for Transformation, Energy Work, Developing Intuition, Becoming Heart Centered, Alternative Medicine, Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Earthing

Connection to Others (Other similar courses will be added as needed)

Conscious Relationship, Conscious Parenting, Conscious Birthing, Conscious Deathing, Connecting with Elders, Conscious Family Connection

Connection to Community  (Other similar courses will be added as needed)

Restorative Justice, Restitution, Consensus Building, Creative Arts – music, dance, theatre, art, Connection Games, Non-violent communication, Embracing Cultural Diversity, Rituals for Life Transitions

Children’s Programs

In addition to the adult and family programs above, there is an Earth School for children that teaches basic skills for living on Earth and in harmony with Earth.  This takes the form of programs offered at CCC as well as after school programs and materials for integration into existing curriculum and home-schooling.

The Connection Curriculum Level 1 can be used with children as can many of the advanced courses.